On Friday I met up with co-workers for margarita's all afternoon to celebrate a birthday. Fun stuff. Then the hubs and I spent the night curled up on the couch watching movies. :) On Saturday we were instructed by my dad not to schedule any plans because we were having a family day, but he wouldn't tell us what we were doing. Hmmmmm.....
They picked us up early and first we went for breakfast. Our first stop was a local aquarium and they were also having a special Ice Fest celebration with lots of outside activities involving ice. We had a blast! Saw tons of crazy and HUGE fish and other miscellanous Mississippi creatures {and even a Cobra snake- yes freaky, my mom refused to look at it}. Our favorites were the otters....
There were also lots of historical tours and shows that were very interesting. We had fun just messing around with everything....
You can barely see us, but I still love this picture...
The Jimmie's being... well Jimmie's...

Ice bowling!
And Hollie even got to sit on Mark Twain's lap. Lucky Mark...

And really funny... my dad yelled to Hollie and me, did you guys see Twilight outside??? Um... what dad?? So we Twihards can't help but go and see what the heck he is talking about. Sure enough.... there Twilight was in all it's glory. :)
And our next stop was... real bowling!! GO SWIRB!!
Our whole family has never actually bowled together- with all of us there. So it was quite the experience....

By now it was dinnertime, so we made a trip to Illinois and our favorite little, corner Italian bistro. Yummmmm..... Then we took some time and walked around the cute, little town and made some great discoveries. Especially the used book store that they had to drag Hollie and I away from. I made out like a bandit...

Can't wait to go back! Then we headed back to our place and finished the day off with some Wii competitions. Go dad!
And cuddling with G of course!
It was a great day {best dad ever!} The next day was Sunday already and I awoke to a monsterous headache {the capper of my sinus infection}. I was basically useless all day. So we lounged around and watched movies, while Brian massaged my head. Literally, all day. We were suppose to hang out with the gang at night, but I literally couldn't even make it through Desperate Housewives & Brothers & Sisters before passing out for the night. But thankfully on Monday morning, headache was gone, so passing out early was worth it. :)
On Monday since both my dad and Brian still had to work, we planned a girls day in! I went over to my parents' house and the girls, my mom and I parked ourselves in front of the tele. First up was Sex and The City movie {I can never see this enough} and then basically Gilmore Girls for the rest of the day, complete with pizza, cake and diet coke. Amen. I love girls days. Well the girls and G-man of course. I took lots of shots of him over the weekend, here are a couple of my favorites--
It was an amazing and relaxing long weekend. We have a pretty amazing family, if I do say so myself. ;) And be on the lookout for my movie reviews post- Brian and I have seen so many in the past couple of weeks but haven't had time to squeeze in our reviews!! Burn After Reading; Mysterious Skin; The Other Boelyn Girl; The Ice Storm; The Diving Bell & The Butterfly... I know there's more too!
In other news....
:: I listed my Coach bag on ebay. It's a brand new authentic Coach bag- ask me why I never carried it? Because I seriously don't know why? But it's been sitting in my closet, untouched, for way too long now and it's time I did something about it.
:: I am dying to see Revolutionary Road.
:: I love people busting out in sporadic dance moves.
:: Polaroid has been saved!!! I am officially on the hunt for the perfect polaroid camera.
So happy Tuesday everyone... weird, right?? Stay tuned for OTH recap and of-course special Inauguration post.
currently listening to :: baby, we'll be fine by the national.
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